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About Varicose Vein Treatment

September 26, 2016
Do you live in the Murfreesboro area and suffer from varicose veins? Today’s update is all about varicose vein treatment. Come see Dr. Thomas at Murfreesboro Vascular & Interventional for a full evaluation!
What are varicose veins and spider veins?

Varicose veins are enlarged veins that can be blue, red, or flesh-colored. They often look like cords and appear twisted and bulging. They can be swollen and raised above the surface of the skin. Varicose veins are often found on the thighs, backs of the calves, or the inside of the leg. During pregnancy, varicose veins can form around the vagina and buttocks.

Spider veins are like varicose veins but smaller. They also are closer to the surface of the skin than varicose veins. Often, they are red or blue. They can look like tree branches or spiderwebs with their short, jagged lines. They can be found on the legs and face and can cover either a very small or very large area of skin.

What causes varicose veins and spider veins?

Varicose veins can be caused by weak or damaged valves in the veins. The heart pumps blood filled with oxygen and nutrients to the whole body through the arteries. Veins then carry the blood from the body back to the heart. As your leg muscles squeeze, they push blood back to the heart from your lower body against the flow of gravity. Veins have valves that act as one-way flaps to prevent blood from flowing backwards as it moves up your legs. If the valves become weak, blood can leak back into the veins and collect there. (This problem is called venous insufficiency.) When backed-up blood makes the veins bigger, they can become varicose.

Spider veins can be caused by the backup of blood. They can also be caused by hormone changes, exposure to the sun, and injuries.

How common are abnormal leg veins?

About 50 to 55 percent of women and 40 to 45 percent of men in the United States suffer from some type of vein problem. Varicose veins affect half of people 50 years and older.

What factors increase my risk of varicose veins and spider veins?

Many factors increase a person’s chances of developing varicose or spider veins. These include:

  • Increasing age. As you get older, the valves in your veins may weaken and not work as well.
  • Medical history. Being born with weak vein valves increases your risk. Having family members with vein problems also increases your risk. About half of all people who have varicose veins have a family member who has them too.
  • Hormonal changes. These occur during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. Taking birth control pills and other medicines containing estrogen and progesterone also may contribute to the forming of varicose or spider veins.
  • Pregnancy. During pregnancy, there is a huge increase in the amount of blood in the body. This can cause veins to enlarge. The growing uterus also puts pressure on the veins. Varicose veins usually improve within 3 months after delivery. More varicose veins and spider veins usually appear with each additional pregnancy.
  • Obesity. Being overweight or obese can put extra pressure on your veins. This can lead to varicose veins.
  • Lack of movement. Sitting or standing for a long time may force your veins to work harder to pump blood to your heart. This may be a bigger problem if you sit with your legs bent or crossed.
  • Sun exposure. This can cause spider veins on the cheeks or nose of a fair-skinned person.

Why do varicose veins and spider veins usually appear in the legs?

Most varicose and spider veins appear in the legs due to the pressure of body weight, force of gravity, and task of carrying blood from the bottom of the body up to the heart.

Compared with other veins in the body, leg veins have the toughest job of carrying blood back to the heart. They endure the most pressure. This pressure can be stronger than the one-way valves in the veins.

What are the signs of varicose veins?

Varicose veins can often be seen on the skin. Some other common symptoms of varicose veins in the legs include:

  • Aching pain that may get worse after sitting or standing for a long time
  • Throbbing or cramping
  • Heaviness
  • Swelling
  • Rash that’s itchy or irritated
  • Darkening of the skin (in severe cases)
  • Restless legs

Are varicose veins and spider veins dangerous?

Spider veins rarely are a serious health problem, but they can cause uncomfortable feelings in the legs. If there are symptoms from spider veins, most often they will be itching or burning. Less often, spider veins can be a sign of blood backup deeper inside that you can’t see on the skin. If so, you could have the same symptoms you would have with varicose veins.

Varicose veins may not cause any problems, or they may cause aching pain, throbbing, and discomfort. In some cases, varicose veins can lead to more serious health problems. These include:

  • Sores or skin ulcers due to chronic (long-term) backing up of blood. These sores or ulcers are painful and hard to heal. Sometimes they cannot heal until the backward blood flow in the vein is repaired.
  • Bleeding. The skin over the veins becomes thin and easily injured. When an injury occurs, there can be significant blood loss.
  • Superficial thrombophlebitis (throm-bo-fli-BYT-uhs), which is a blood clot that forms in a vein just below the skin. Symptoms include skin redness; a firm, tender, warm vein; and sometimes pain and swelling.
  • Deep vein thrombosis, which is a blood clot in a deeper vein. It can cause a “pulling” feeling in the calf, pain, warmth, redness, and swelling. However, sometimes it causes no significant symptoms. If the blood clot travels to the lungs, it can be fatal.

Should I see a doctor about varicose veins?

You should see a doctor about varicose veins if:

  • The vein has become swollen, red, or very tender or warm to the touch
  • There are sores or a rash on the leg or near the ankle
  • The skin on the ankle and calf becomes thick and changes color
  • One of the varicose veins begins to bleed
  • Your leg symptoms are interfering with daily activities
  • The appearance of the veins is causing you distress

If you’re having pain, even if it’s just a dull ache, don’t hesitate to get help. Also, even if you don’t need to see a doctor about your varicose veins, you should take steps to keep them from getting worse.

How are varicose veins diagnosed?

Your doctor may diagnose your varicose veins based on a physical exam. Your doctor will look at your legs while you’re standing or sitting with your legs dangling. He or she may ask you about your symptoms, including any pain you’re having. Sometimes, you may have other tests to find out the extent of the problem and to rule out other disorders.

You might have an ultrasound, which is used to see the veins’ structure, check the blood flow in your veins, and look for blood clots. This test uses sound waves to create pictures of structures in your body.

Although less likely, you might have a venogram. This test can be used to get a more detailed look at blood flow through your veins.

If you seek help for your varicose veins, there are several types of doctors you can see, including:

  • A phlebologist, which is a vein specialist
  • A vascular medicine doctor, who focuses on the blood system
  • A vascular surgeon, who can perform surgery and do other procedures
  • An interventional radiologist, who specializes in using imaging tools to see inside the body and do treatments with little or no cutting
  • A dermatologist, who specializes in skin conditions

Each of these specialists do some or all of the procedures for treating varicose veins. You might start out by asking your regular doctor which specialist he or she recommends. You also might check with your insurance plan to see if it would pay for a particular provider or procedure.

How are varicose and spider veins treated?

Varicose veins are treated with lifestyle changes and medical treatments. These can:

  • Relieve symptoms
  • Prevent complications
  • Improve appearance

Your doctor may recommend lifestyle changes if your varicose veins don’t cause many symptoms. If symptoms are more severe, your doctor may recommend medical treatments. Some treatment options include:

Compression stockings

Compression stockings put helpful pressure on your veins. There are 3 kinds of compression stockings:

  • Support pantyhose, which offer the least amount of pressure. These also often are not “gradient” or “graduated.” That means they provide pressure all over instead of where it is needed most.
  • Over-the-counter gradient compression hose, which give a little more pressure. They are sold in medical supply and drugstores.
  • Prescription-strength gradient compression hose, which offer the greatest amount of pressure. They are sold in medical supply and drugstores. You need to be fitted for them by someone who has been trained to do this.


Sclerotherapy is the most common treatment for both spider veins and varicose veins. The doctor uses a needle to inject a liquid chemical into the vein. The chemical causes the vein walls to swell, stick together, and seal shut. This stops the flow of blood, and the vein turns into scar tissue. In a few weeks, the vein should fade. This treatment does not require anesthesia and can be done in your doctor’s office. You can return to normal activity right after treatment.

The same vein may need to be treated more than once. Treatments are usually done every 4 to 6 weeks. You may be asked to wear gradient compression stockings after sclerotherapy to help with healing and decrease swelling. This treatment is very effective when done correctly.

Possible side effects include:

  • Stinging, red and raised patches of skin, or bruises where the injection was made. These usually go away shortly after treatment.
  • Spots, brown lines, or groups of fine red blood vessels around the treated vein. These also usually go away shortly after treatment.
  • Lumps of blood that get trapped in vein and cause inflammation. This is not dangerous. You can relieve swelling by applying heat and taking aspirin. Your doctor can drain the trapped blood with a small pinprick at a follow-up visit.

There is a type of sclerotherapy called ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy (or echo-sclerotherapy). This type of sclerotherapy uses ultrasound imaging to guide the needle. It can be useful in treating veins that cannot be seen on the skin’s surface. It may be used after surgery or endovenous techniques if the varicose veins return. This procedure can be done in a doctor’s office. Possible side effects include skin sores, swelling, injection into an artery by mistake, or deep vein thrombosis (a potentially dangerous blood clot).

Surface laser treatments

In some cases, laser treatments can effectively treat spider veins and smaller varicose veins. This technique sends very strong bursts of light through the skin onto the vein. This makes the vein slowly fade and disappear. Not all skin types and colors can be safely treated with lasers.

No needles or incisions are used, but the heat from the laser can be quite painful. Cooling helps reduce the pain. Laser treatments last for 15 to 20 minutes. Generally, 2 to 5 treatments are needed to remove spider veins in the legs. Laser therapy usually isn’t effective for varicose veins larger than 3 mm (about a tenth of an inch). You can return to normal activity right after treatment.

Possible side effects of lasers include:

  • Redness or swelling of the skin right after the treatment that disappears within a few days
  • Discolored skin that will disappear within 1 to 2 months
  • Burns and scars from poorly performed laser surgery, though this is rare

Endovenous techniques (radiofrequency and laser)

These methods for treating the deeper veins of the legs, called the saphenous (SAF-uh-nuhs) veins, have replaced surgery for most patients with severe varicose veins. These techniques can be done in a doctor’s office.

The doctor puts a very small tube, called a catheter, into the vein. A small probe is placed through the tube. A device at the tip of the probe heats up the inside of the vein and closes it off. The device can use radiofrequency or laser energy to seal the vein. The procedure can be done using just local anesthesia. You might have slight bruising after treatment.

Healthy veins around the closed vein take over the normal flow of blood. The symptoms from the varicose vein improve. Usually, veins on the surface of the skin that are connected to the treated varicose vein will also shrink after treatment. If they don’t, these connected veins can be treated with sclerotherapy or other techniques.


Surgery is used mostly to treat very large varicose veins. Types of surgery for varicose veins include:

  • Surgical ligation and stripping. With this treatment, problem veins are tied shut and completely removed from the leg through small cuts in the skin. Removing the veins does not affect the circulation of blood in the leg. Veins deeper in the leg take care of the larger volumes of blood. This surgery requires general anesthesia and must be done in an operating room. It takes between 1 and 4 weeks to recover from the surgery. This surgery is generally safe. Pain in the leg is the most common side effect. Other possible problems include:
  • A risk of heart and breathing problems from anesthesia
  • Bleeding and congestion of blood. But, the collected blood usually settles on its own and does not require any further treatment.
  • Wound infection, inflammation, swelling, and redness
  • Permanent scars
  • Damage of nerve tissue around the treated vein. It’s hard to avoid harming small nerve branches when veins are removed. This damage can cause numbness, burning, or a change in feeling around the scar.
  • A deep vein blood clot. These clots can travel to the lungs and heart. The medicine heparin may be used to reduce the chance of these dangerous blood clots. But, heparin also can increase the normal amount of bleeding and bruising after surgery.
  • PIN stripping. In this treatment, an instrument called a PIN stripper is inserted into a vein. The tip of the PIN stripper is sewn to the end of the vein, and when it is removed, the vein is pulled out. This procedure can be done in an operating room or an outpatient center. General or local anesthesia can be used.
  • Ambulatory phlebectomy. With ambulatory phlebectomy (AM-byoo-luh-TOHR-ee fluh-BEHK-toh-mee), tiny cuts are made in the skin, and hooks are used to pull the vein out of the leg. Only the parts of your leg that are being pricked will be numbed with anesthesia. The vein is usually removed in 1 treatment. Very large varicose veins can be removed with this treatment while leaving only very small scars. Patients can return to normal activity the day after treatment. Possible side effects of the treatment include slight bruising and temporary numbness.

How can I prevent varicose veins and spider veins?

Not all varicose and spider veins can be prevented. But, there are some steps you can take to reduce your chances of getting new varicose and spider veins. These same things can help ease discomfort from the ones you already have:

  • Wear sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun and to limit spider veins on the face.
  • Exercise regularly to improve your leg strength, circulation, and vein strength. Focus on exercises that work your legs, such as walking or running.
  • Control your weight to avoid placing too much pressure on your legs.
  • Don’t cross your legs for long times when sitting. It’s possible to injure your legs that way, and even a minor injury can increase the risk of varicose veins.
  • Elevate your legs when resting as much as possible.
  • Don’t stand or sit for long periods of time. If you must stand for a long time, shift your weight from one leg to the other every few minutes. If you must sit for long periods of time, stand up and move around or take a short walk every 30 minutes.
  • Wear elastic support stockings and avoid tight clothing that constricts your waist, groin, or legs.
  • Avoid wearing high heels for long periods of time. Lower-heeled shoes can help tone your calf muscles to help blood move through your veins.
  • Eat a low-salt diet rich in high-fiber foods. Eating fiber reduces the chances of constipation, which can contribute to varicose veins. High-fiber foods include fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains, like bran. Eating less salt can help with the swelling that comes with varicose veins.

Can varicose and spider veins return even after treatment?

Current treatments for varicose veins and spider veins have very high success rates compared to traditional surgical treatments. Over a period of years, however, more abnormal veins can develop because there is no cure for weak vein valves. Ultrasound can be used to keep track of how badly the valves are leaking (venous insufficiency). Ongoing treatment can help keep this problem under control.

The single most important thing you can do to slow down the development of new varicose veins is to wear gradient compression support stockings as much as possible during the day.

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Interventional Radiology (IR) is a rapidly growing medical specialty that uses advanced imaging techniques to diagnose and treat a wide range of conditions in a minimally invasive way. At Murfreesboro Vascular and Interventional, we are proud to offer cutting-edge interventional radiology treatments, providing patients with effective, targeted care that often eliminates the need for traditional surgery. But what exactly is interventional radiology, and how does it benefit patients? What is Interventional Radiology? Interventional Radiology involves the use of medical imaging technologies—such as X-rays, CT scans, ultrasound, and Fluoroscopy—to guide small instruments, like catheters and needles, through the body to treat disease. This enables physicians to perform precise procedures with minimal disruption to surrounding tissues, offering a safer, quicker, and less painful alternative to conventional surgery. IR procedures can be used to treat a wide range of conditions, including: Vascular diseases like peripheral artery disease (PAD) and varicose veins Cancer treatments, including targeted therapies like tumor ablation Non-surgical treatment for uterine fibroids, such as Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE) Treatments for liver and kidney issues, such as bile duct blockages or kidney stones Minimally invasive biopsies and drainage procedures How Interventional Radiology Works IR specialists are highly trained to use imaging techniques to see inside the body and perform procedures through tiny incisions—often no larger than a pinhole. Here's an overview of the process: Imaging Guidance: Using real-time imaging, the interventional radiologist pinpoints the exact area needing treatment. This high level of precision ensures that only the targeted area is addressed, while healthy tissue remains unaffected. Minimally Invasive Access: A small incision is made to introduce the catheter or needle into the body. Through this access point, tiny instruments can be guided directly to the problem area, whether it’s a blood vessel, organ, or other tissue. Treatment Delivery: Once in place, the interventional radiologist performs the procedure, which could involve inserting stents to open up blood vessels, embolizing (blocking) blood flow to shrink fibroids or tumors, or ablating cancerous tissue using extreme heat or cold. The Benefits of Interventional Radiology Interventional Radiology offers numerous benefits to patients, making it an attractive alternative to traditional surgery in many cases. 1. Minimally Invasive One of the most significant advantages of IR is that it is minimally invasive. The procedures are performed through tiny incisions, which means: Less pain: Smaller incisions cause less trauma to the body, resulting in less postoperative pain. Lower risk of complications: With fewer cuts and less exposure of internal tissues, the risk of infections and other complications is reduced. Faster recovery: Most patients can return to normal activities much sooner than they would after traditional surgery. Many IR procedures are outpatient, so you can go home the same day. 2. Reduced Need for General Anesthesia Many interventional radiology procedures only require local anesthesia and mild sedation, which reduces the risks associated with general anesthesia. This makes IR an excellent option for patients who may not be good candidates for surgery due to age, pre-existing conditions, or other risk factors. 3. High Precision By using real-time imaging guidance, interventional radiologists can pinpoint exactly where the issue lies and treat it with unparalleled accuracy. This precision means better outcomes, particularly for conditions like cancer, where targeted therapies can minimize damage to surrounding healthy tissue. 4. Effective Results Interventional radiology treatments have been shown to be highly effective for many conditions. For example: Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE): Offers relief from symptoms like heavy bleeding and pelvic pain without the need for a hysterectomy. Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) treatment: Opens up blocked arteries, restoring blood flow and reducing pain. Cancer treatments: Procedures like radiofrequency ablation or chemoembolization target tumors directly, providing powerful cancer-killing effects with fewer side effects than traditional chemotherapy or surgery. 5. Outpatient and Same-Day Procedures Many IR procedures are performed on an outpatient basis, meaning patients can often return home the same day. With no need for lengthy hospital stays, you can recover in the comfort of your own home while getting back to your routine faster. Common Interventional Radiology Procedures Here are just a few of the many procedures performed by interventional radiologists: Angioplasty and Stenting: Used to open blocked or narrowed blood vessels, helping to restore proper blood flow and reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke. Varicose Vein Treatment: Procedures like sclerotherapy or laser vein ablation can treat unsightly and painful varicose veins, improving both health and appearance. Chemoembolization: A targeted cancer treatment that delivers chemotherapy directly to a tumor, while cutting off its blood supply. Radiofrequency Ablation: A minimally invasive technique that uses heat to destroy cancer cells or shrink tumors in areas like the liver, kidneys, or lungs. Biliary Drainage: Helps clear blocked bile ducts in patients with liver disease or cancer. Is Interventional Radiology Right for You? Interventional radiology offers a wide range of solutions for patients with various medical conditions. If you are facing a health issue and are seeking a minimally invasive alternative to surgery, IR may be the right option for you. At Murfreesboro Vascular and Interventional, our team is here to help you explore your options and provide personalized, compassionate care using the latest advancements in IR technology. Conclusion Interventional radiology is revolutionizing the way medical procedures are performed, offering patients safer, quicker, and more effective treatment options. With its focus on precision, minimal invasiveness, and faster recovery times, IR is a powerful tool in modern medicine. If you’re interested in learning more about how interventional radiology could benefit you, call us at  615-849-7490  to schedule a consultation. Let us help you discover how these innovative treatments can improve your health and quality of life.
November 1, 2024
Back and neck pain are among the most common health complaints, affecting millions of people worldwide. Whether caused by poor posture, injuries, or the wear and tear of daily life, these types of pain can severely limit your ability to work, exercise, and enjoy daily activities. Fortunately, stretching and physical therapy offer safe, effective ways to alleviate discomfort and promote long-term healing. At Murfreesboro Vascular and Interventional, we encourage our patients to explore these non-invasive methods for managing back and neck pain. Understanding the Causes of Back and Neck Pain Back and neck pain can have many different causes, including: Poor posture: Sitting or standing with improper posture puts extra strain on the muscles and joints, particularly in the neck and lower back. Muscle strains: Overexertion, lifting heavy objects, or sudden movements can cause muscles to strain or spasm. Herniated discs: When the soft material inside a spinal disc pushes out, it can put pressure on surrounding nerves, causing pain in the back, neck, or legs. Degenerative conditions : Arthritis or age-related degeneration of the spine can lead to chronic pain and stiffness. Injuries: Car accidents, sports injuries, or falls can cause trauma to the spine, muscles, and ligaments, resulting in long-lasting discomfort. No matter the cause, stretching and physical therapy can play a critical role in reducing pain, improving mobility, and preventing further injury. The Benefits of Stretching for Back and Neck Pain Stretching is one of the simplest and most effective ways to relieve tension, improve flexibility, and support overall spine health. Regular stretching helps: Increase flexibility: Stretching lengthens muscles and tendons, improving your range of motion and making it easier to move without pain. Relieve muscle tension: Tight muscles in the back, neck, and shoulders are a common cause of pain. Stretching helps release this tension, providing immediate relief. Improve posture: Many people suffer from back and neck pain due to poor posture, especially from long hours sitting at a desk. Stretching helps correct imbalances and strengthen postural muscles. Prevent injury: Stretching improves muscle elasticity and joint mobility, reducing the risk of strains, sprains, and other injuries. Simple Stretches for Back and Neck Pain Relief Here are a few stretches that can help alleviate discomfort and improve mobility: Neck Tilt: Slowly tilt your head toward your shoulder and hold for 15–30 seconds on each side to relieve tension in the neck. Child’s Pose: This yoga pose gently stretches the lower back and hips, relieving tension in the spine. Cat-Cow Stretch: This stretch involves alternating between arching and rounding the back, which helps increase flexibility and relieve tension in the lower and upper back. Hamstring Stretch: Tight hamstrings can contribute to lower back pain. Stretching them regularly can improve flexibility and reduce strain on the lower back. Thoracic Rotation Stretch: While sitting or standing, rotate your upper body to one side, hold, and then switch sides to stretch the muscles in your upper back. The Role of Physical Therapy in Treating Back and Neck Pain While stretching can help with flexibility and tension, physical therapy offers a more structured and comprehensive approach to treating back and neck pain. Physical therapists are trained professionals who assess the underlying causes of pain and design personalized treatment plans to address these issues. The goal is not just to alleviate pain temporarily but to correct underlying problems and improve overall function. Benefits of Physical Therapy: Targeted Treatment: Physical therapists create customized exercises and stretches tailored to each patient’s condition, focusing on specific areas of pain and dysfunction. Strengthening Muscles: Strengthening core muscles and those supporting the spine can help stabilize the back and neck, reducing pain and preventing future issues. Improving Posture and Alignment: Poor posture is a common cause of chronic pain. Physical therapy can correct posture through exercises that train muscles to support proper alignment. Pain Management Techniques: Physical therapists use a variety of techniques such as manual therapy, ultrasound, heat therapy, and electrical stimulation to reduce pain and inflammation. Injury Prevention: Physical therapy focuses on identifying movement patterns or habits that contribute to pain, helping patients make adjustments to prevent re-injury. Common Physical Therapy Techniques for Back and Neck Pain: Manual therapy: Hands-on techniques like massage, joint mobilization, or soft tissue manipulation to relieve muscle tension and improve movement. Therapeutic exercises: Targeted exercises to strengthen muscles, improve flexibility, and enhance stability around the spine. Posture training: Exercises and education to improve body mechanics and posture, which can prevent or reduce pain. Core strengthening: Building strength in the abdominal and lower back muscles to support the spine and reduce stress on the back. Combining Stretching and Physical Therapy for Long-Term Results For many patients, the combination of regular stretching and a structured physical therapy program offers the most effective approach to managing back and neck pain. Stretching can be easily incorporated into a daily routine to maintain flexibility and prevent tension buildup, while physical therapy provides targeted, professional care that addresses the root causes of pain. By working together, these two approaches can: Improve mobility: Stretching and physical therapy both help increase your range of motion, making it easier to perform daily activities without pain. Reduce pain and inflammation: Stretching keeps muscles flexible, while physical therapy provides focused care to reduce inflammation and address imbalances. Strengthen the body: Physical therapy exercises target weak muscles that contribute to poor posture and pain, helping build strength and stability over time. When to Seek Help for Back and Neck Pain While stretching and physical therapy are effective treatments for many cases of back and neck pain, it’s important to seek medical advice if: Your pain is severe or lasts for more than a few weeks. You experience pain that radiates down your legs or arms. You have numbness, tingling, or weakness in your limbs. You’ve been injured or suspect a serious condition, such as a herniated disc or spinal fracture. At Murfreesboro Vascular and Interventional, our team is committed to helping patients manage pain and improve their quality of life with safe, effective, and non-invasive treatments. Whether you’re dealing with chronic pain or a recent injury, we can help you find the right approach to regain your strength and mobility. Conclusion Back and neck pain don’t have to be part of your daily life. With the right combination of stretching and physical therapy, you can reduce pain, improve flexibility, and prevent future injuries. These non-invasive treatments offer long-term relief and are often the first line of defense in managing discomfort without the need for medication or surgery. If you’re ready to take control of your back or neck pain, contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn how stretching and physical therapy can work for you!
October 25, 2024
At Murfreesboro Vascular and Interventional, our patients mean the world to us. As a way of saying thank you for trusting us with your care, we are excited to offer FREE vein screenings to both new and existing patients now through the end of the year!
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